Safe & Caring School

GHP Student Code of Conduct

The School and District supports Section 45.1 of the Alberta School Act, which states that our school has a responsibility to ensure that each student enrolled is provided with a welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging.  Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools has clarified its intention to provide such an environment in all schools through its Safe and Caring Learning Environments for Students Administrative Procedure. The Code of Conduct Review To Address Bullying Behaviour 

The school will establish a culture of respect for the God given dignity of all who participate within it and pursue the common good of everyone, as we build a community of faith, hope, and love through the example of Jesus Christ.  In support of providing a welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning environment students and their families are required by provincial legislation to be familiar with Ecole Georges H. Primeau Middle School Code of Conduct. Our school annually reviews this information with staff, parents, and students.  

You can access our full student Code of Conduct here: GHP Code of Conduct - Last Reviewed on March 7, 2023 with the GHP School Council & GHP Staff on April 21, 2023

GHP Student Dress Code

School Dress Code:

As a school council and school faculty, we have spent time reviewing our school dress code. With the new school year around the corner, many families are updating wardrobes for their children. When selecting wardrobes for the new school year, there is a need to be mindful that the school is still a place of learning. As a Catholic School, we want to remind our parents that students are to dress in a manner that reflects these values. We are asking that students dress in a manner that conveys that they are coming to their place of work prepared to carry out their responsibilities as students. All clothing needs to be respectful of their bodies and displays a sense of modesty and positive messaging with slogans and images. With this said,

  • Students are not to wear sleepwear or beachwear to school.
  • Student clothing is to cover undergarments.
  • Clothing is not to contain offensive or suggestive slogans/phrases, promote the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs, or be a distraction to the learning environment.
  • There are special events where students are invited to dress for "theme days." For these days, all elements of the dress code are still in effect. 

If students come to school dressed inappropriately, we will request to them in private to change for the remainder of the day. Parents will be advised should this occur